This post is just a short update to the last post about Paul Bergrin's new BOP designation to the Communications Management Unit (CMU). I have heard from a few people that received letters from Paul and as imagined, they do indeed manage and limit his communications. The first and main rule is that there are no messages of any type, so he is not even able to say, 'tell Vicky...' as he has in past letters.
The conditions in Terre Haute CMU are a central reason for this update, but first lets talk about the trip there.... Paul is in decent health and survived the short stay in the lousy Oklahoma City Transport Facility, and this time the stay was short as it is for other inmates that pass through this dump. For 10 hours before leaving OKC, the asshats actually put Paul Bergrin in a cage. Cage is defined here as limiting his ability to stretch, lay down or stand-up. Paul is taller than their cage is. Clearly there are people working in this craphole that have a sadistic streak and enjoy abusing inmates.
Paul Bergrin was then transported on a plane in shackles with some sort of heavy box contraption attached. It was extremely uncomfortable for him. That's really all I know on this part of his journey.
The CMU in Terre Haute FCI was created / built less than 10 years ago, so you'd think it was a state-of-the-art facility - it's not. It's in an old part of the FCI, the area where death row inmates used to be held, in a dilapidated section of the facility.
Paul had nice things to say about the staff in the CMU and it sounds like he has the utmost respect for everyone he has encountered there. From the wording, I seriously doubt that he was forced to say this. So at least the BOP has some decent employees in charge of the inmates as opposed to the sadistic freaks that attempted to starve Paul Bergrin to death in OKC during his lengthy stay there before he went to Tucson.
Paul is strong and doing what he can to work on his case and appeals. I do have some idea what may have caused this designation to the CMU, but I am unable to state it publicly. I will say that an inmate needs to be extremely cautious of the people that want to be his new best friend in prison, especially if his name is Paul Bergrin. Often the stated goals are not real and there's more going on behind the scenes.
I do believe that Paul will be at the CMU for a long time. I'd be surprised if he received a new designation in the next couple of years, so he has definitely been silenced by the government. I have not written him a letter at this point and if I did, I doubt he would receive it because of this blog and perhaps also because of who I am and my own background, though that part is debatable, and I will write and find out in due time.
There is plenty of time, so I feel no rush to write any letter. If you choose to write Paul a letter, make sure to not include any message from anyone else or statement or what another person says about anything. Just write from the heart and say what you mean - the communications are also monitored by a special unit in Washington DC.
Whath the government is doing to Paul Bergrin is against all human
rights. We are not a democratical
country by no means. All we can do
is take it and shut up. No one can
voice or defend their opinion or even their life like in this man's
Agree with the last comment because if this man can prove his innocence,why is the government
stopping him to do so by all sorts of manoeuvres. Just this fact demonstrates that this trial
has been built on lies and perjuries to nail Paul Bergrin because the government wants him
out of their way so that the truth is never revealed in the open. That is pure injustice and
@vicky after sometime in cmu thats with him not getting into any trouble will he ever make general pop.
I don't think that's how it works in the situation of a CMU designation. Perhaps after a couple of years at the CMU he could get a new designation, but he won't be placed in Terre Haute FCI.
I am in contact with Paul now via email, but emails are severely delayed so a Counter Terrorism Unit in Washington DC can spend 2 days examining it.
Your tax $s at work! ;-)
How's the food?
@Vicky thanks for the answer, im aware of the federal symstem rules on housing like in a regular federal faclity but not cmu fed. In a regular faclity with good behavior and about 2 to 3 years they send u to pop, it very inhumane to keep someone locked down all thier life, paul was not that type of animal or threat, but once again thanks for all the up dates you been so helpfull through this journey and very professional about what you do keep it up.
You have to read your mail on a board, no contact at all phone calls that u get every other months, if u get it watching your every move no right to counsel, not allowing him legal contact with all whom he wishes, this is some bullshit. And at the last comment you probally a snitch.
@Vicky the last i ive known hakeem was placed at lee usp and he is in gen pop, rakeem to so everybody not suffering, only paul being treated badly, however he still has some apeals left to work on and lets hope it all work out.
Are all inmates allowed to use email ? Or is it because of mr bergrin legal ties they allow him to use email.
Two days to examing emails ?? Did these guys graduate high shcool, and i know about coeded mail, gang codes, ect but two days what the hell hes writting in another penmanship from planet mars SMH........
Only in america waste of money and so unkind ��
Yeah, the fact is that there's nothing I could say to Paul or vice versa that should require more than 10 minutes to analyze, if that long. I have not even composed a response email to him yet as just thinking about the audience is too much. Not that I believed any communications were private in past, but the whole counter terrorism analysis thing throws me.
I'm one of those people that knows that Bin Laden and 19 random men from the ME did not engineer September 11th. I was trading in the equities and commodities markets back then and, well, another story for another place and time...
Anyway, back to Paul...
Hakeem Curry is in Lee USP in Virginia, Rakeem Baskerville is in Victorville USP in California and William Baskerville is in Coleman USP in Florida. The judge on Curry and Rakeem Baskerville's case has just retired (Hochberg) as of March 6, 2015, but before she left, she kicked them both again for the government, denying their 2255s. I read through some of the trial transcripts from that case and concluded that it was definitely kangaroo court. Hochberg helped the government spread the misinformation and let them write her opinions for her - that much is clear. I'll take it an additional step - she colluded with the government.
The judge on William Baskerville's case took a quick exit, as opposed to a planned retirement, and did not rule on his 2255 before leaving. From what I read in trial transcripts, Judge Pisano ruled fairly according to the information he had before him. I think he exited to avoid ruling on William's 2255, or perhaps to avoid following government instructions to deny it. William has plenty of evidence that the government knowingly presented false testimony and I considered it probable that he would get a fair review now that the exidence has come to light. I'm also sure Pisano is aware of what the government did to Martini when he went against them in Paul Bergrin's first trial.
My point is that Hakeem Curry and the Baskervilles have NOT been treated fairly at all. None of them are dangerous, yet each is still in a USP high security facility so many years later. Each has been screwed with by the government ever since their trials. So while they're not in a CMU like Paul, they've all had the complete BOP treatment care of Newark US Attorney's Office.
Paul Bergrin's case and the connected cases all stink. One day it will all come out, mark my words.
@vicky whats 2255 and are currys apeals on going.
2255 is a habeas corpus petition which seeks release and a new trial.
Thanks anonymous
How can a Judge refuse not to rule on a 2255 and just get away with it for a strange reason like retirement, we are dealing with
mens lifes. A Judge should not be the only one to decide the legal value of this proceeder, it
should automatically be accepted
giving a man the right to prove
his innocence. There are in our
country many misjudgements on cases that end up costing more to
all the citizens. Why not do things properly from the start.
Why would they refuse this habeas
corpus petition 2255 to Mr. Paul
Bergrin unless they have to hide their guilt. It's what cowards do. They all retire and hide
not to face their responsabilities.
It's way too early for Paul's 2255. You have to exhaust appeals first. Which means supreme court denies certiorari. After that they can look at everything: compiling all the charges in one case.
Paul Bergrin deserves to win all
these appeals listed by the last
comment,he is innocent and the government just simply nailed him, and done all that is possible to stop him from defending his case. Worse they particularly stopped all these communications with the outside world that are vital for him to
prepare appeals. How can they deny
their actions.
He has a shot of post conviction relief when this case is compared to the first and THE first circuit has second thoughts about all of these charges being compiled
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